Hakuba Transfers

Need a ride to Hakuba? We have buses directly from Tokyo airports (Narita and Haneda), to make sure you arrive on time to kick start your Snow Machine experience

We also have return buses from Hakuba to Tokyo on select days. Seats are limited and bookings are essential. Check out our transfers below and lock them in quick!

If you need any further information, please reach out to our Snow Machine team to help you out


We have bus transfers available from both Narita and Haneda airports in Tokyo to Hakuba. Drop off at your hotel door! Return transfers also available.

Please see route pricing and departure times below.

Note that all prices include one item of luggage (this can be a suitcase/duffle bag or ski/board bag). If you have additional pieces of luggage, there is an extra charge per item = $18 AUD if added at time of booking, more expensive if added in person at the airport.


Narita Airport to Hakuba $172pp 
9.15am / 11.30am / 2.30pm / 8.30pm

Hakuba to Narita Airport $156pp
9.00am / 10.30am


Haneda Airport to Hakuba $159pp
7.45am / 9.45am / 15.30pm / 21.30pm

Hakuba to Haneda airport $164pp
9.00am / 10.30am


Purchase your bus tickets HERE!  [link to Shopify]